
2010년 제2회 수상자: 김정유 경희대 교수

2016-08-21 23:37
■ 김정유 교수 소개

• 학력

- Stanford University 경제학 박사(1992)
- University of Michigan 경제학 석사(1985)
- 서울대학교 경제학 학사(1984)

• 주요 경력

- 2004-현재 경희대학교 경제학과 교수
- 2003-2004 GRIPS associate professor
- 1996-2003 동국대학교 경제학과 조교수
- 1994-1995 홍익대학교 경영대학 조교수

• 주요 연구 실적

- A note on the Non-Maximality of the Optimal Fines when the Apprehension Probability Depends on the Offense Rate, forthcoming in European Journal of Law and Economics
- Compensating for Unforeseeable Damages in Torts, 2012, Journal of Economics
- The Avoidance Power and the Incentives to File for Bankruptcy, 2011, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies
- Credible Plea Bargaining, 2010, European Journal of Law and Economics
- Secrecy and Fairness in Plea Bargaining with Multiple Defendants, 2009, Journal of Economics
- Signal Jamming in Pre-trial Negotiation with Multiple Defendants (with Joon Song), 2007, Journal of Economics
- Optimal Law Enforcement when the Offender can Dispose of his Wealth, 2007, Review of Law and Economics
- Strict Liability versus Negligence when the Injurer’s Activity involves Positive Externalities, 2006, European Journal of Law and Economics
- Information Acquisition Activity and Damage Measures (with Kyoungwon Rhee), 2006, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
- Filing a Nuisance Claim to Induce Successive Lawsuits, 2004, American Law and Economics Review
- A Proposal for a New Rule of Adverse Possession, 2003, European Journal of Law & Economics
- Good-Faith Error and Intentional Trespassing in Adverse Possession, 2004, International Review of Law & Economics
- Sanctions in pre-trial discovery (with Keunkwan Ryu), 2002, European Journal of Law & Economics
- Pretrial Negotiation behind Open Doors versus Closed Doors: Economic Analysis of Rule 408 (with Keunkwan Ryu), 2000, International Review of Law and Economics
- Preannouncement as a Deterrence in a Model of Safety Regulation (with Dong-Hee Koh), 1997, Seoul Journal of Economics
- Cheap Talk and Reputation in Repeated Pre-trial Negotiation, 1996, RAND Journal of Economics
- Litigation and Pre-trial Negotiation under Incomplete Information (with Gyo Ho Wang, Jong-Goo Yi), 1994, Journal of Law, Economics & Organization
- Does Cheap Talk Matter in Pre-trial Negotiation?, 1992, Seoul Journal of Economics

* 첨부된 파일은 김정유 교수의 위공법경제학상 수상 기념 강연 내용입니다.