
[Call for Papers] 3rd Int'l Conference on ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LITIGATION

2016-08-22 01:25
June 27-28, 2016

3rd International Conference on
Economic Analysis of Litigation
Montpellier (France) – Faculté d’Économie, Campus Richter

Objectives of the workshop: the aim of this meeting is to bring together economists and lawyers to discuss the problems of courts’ functioning and the litigation process. This year, we would like to put particular emphasis on the institutional nature of judicial phenomena and their interplay with society and economic activity.

Topics – the organizing committee encourages submissions of both theoretical and empirical works, especially in the following topics:

- Judicial Institutions and the Economy
- Judicial Performance
- Courts’ Organization
- Judicial Decision-Making
- Litigation Process
- Comparative Judicial Systems

Keynote Speaker: Scott Masten (University of Michigan)

A selection of presented papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Institutional Economics

Scientific Committee: Edmond Baranès, Giuseppe Di Vita, Koji Domon, Pierre-Yves Gadhoun, Peter Grajzl, Pascale Idoux, Alain Marciano, Giovanni B. Ramello

Local Organizers: Alain Marciano, Charlie Bourrel, Alessandro Melcarne

For paper submission: Alessandro Melcarne (alessandro.melcarne@uniupo.it) and for any further information contact: Charlie Bourrel (charlie.bourrel@gmail.com)

Attendance and Fee:
- € 150 per person (regular fee)
- € 100 per person (PhD students)

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: April 15, 2016.
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2016.
Registration deadline: June 1, 2016.