
Call for Paper - 제도경제 학술대회

2016-08-22 00:42
한국제도경제학회 주최로 올 해 8월 17일 에서 20일 사이에 대규모의 국제학술대회가 열릴 예정이라고 합니다. 제도경제학회에서는 법경제학회 회원의 적극적인 참여를 기대하고 있고, 적어도 한 개의 세션은 법경제학 발표자들을 위해 할당을 할 예정이라고 합니다. 회원 여러분의 적극적인 관심과 참여를 부탁 드립니다.

관심이 있으신 분은 정영화 교수님께 연락을 하시기 바랍니다(parlar@naver.com). 아래 영문 메시지는 영어로 준비된 call for paper 입니다. 감사합니다.


I am writing to you to invite you to an international conference, “Institutions and National Competitiveness”, in August 17-20, 2009, in Seoul, Korea. The conference is sponsored by the Korea Institutional Economics Association (KIEA).

While the theme of the conference is national competitiveness, any paper on institutions broadly defined would be welcome. Especially welcomed are papers addressing the issues of economic development and reform. The conference aims to provide a forum for international scholarly exchange, and will conclude on the last day with a tour of an industrial firm (Samsung Electronics or LG Philips) and a visit to the Pan-Moon-Jum, the last remnant of the Cold War. The conference is aims to be rather selective and of high value. We are currently in the process of inviting renowned scholars to participate in the conference. A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published (either as a book or in a planned journal.) The conference organizer offers all participants lodging and food during the conference, the tour, as well as a $500 travel subsidy.

If you are interested in presenting paper at the conference, please send a statement of interest and an abstract to Prof. YB Choi at choiyb@stjohns.edu by Dec 30, 2008. Please also see the KIEA website: http://www.kiea21.or.kr/

Thank you very much for your kind consideration.