Call for Papers -- Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia
2016-09-14 23:00
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Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia
Call for papers - Submission Deadline: 15 February 2017
June 13–15, 2017 (Tuesday–Thursday)
At Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (
Empirical legal studies are well established in the United States and are now part of the academic mainstream. In Asia, as compared to other “law and” disciplines, empirical legal studies appear to rise faster and spread wider. For legal empiricists, it is not enough. Both legal academia and policy-makers would benefit from a deeper understanding of the law in action as well as behaviors of courts, legislators, regulated parties, etc. Hosted by Academia Sinica in Taiwan and sponsored by the Society for Empirical Legal Studies (SELS), the first Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia (CELSA) brings together academics from law and other fields who embrace the empirical turn and seek to develop empirical accounts of law and legal institutions in Asia.
CELSA will be held on June 14–15, 2017 and includes up to seven panels with up to 5 parallel sessions. One of the parallel sessions will be reserved for papers using Asian data.
On June 13, there will be a symposium on “Do courts rule efficiently?”. Christoph Engel (Max Plank) is the keynote speaker. Michael Frakes (Northwestern), Michael Heise (Cornell), Bert Huang (Columbia), William Hubbard (Chicago), Florencia Marotta-Wugler (NYU), Anthony Niblett (Toronto), Ronen Avraham (Texas/Tel Aviv) and JJ Prescott (Michigan) plan to attend and present their original works. All registered CELSA participants are also welcome to attend (with a minimal fee). This symposium also counts as the 4th International Conference of Judicial System. The first three conferences were held in 2008, 2011, and 2014, all in Taipei organized by Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica.
Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia
Call for papers - Submission Deadline: 15 February 2017
June 13–15, 2017 (Tuesday–Thursday)
At Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (
Empirical legal studies are well established in the United States and are now part of the academic mainstream. In Asia, as compared to other “law and” disciplines, empirical legal studies appear to rise faster and spread wider. For legal empiricists, it is not enough. Both legal academia and policy-makers would benefit from a deeper understanding of the law in action as well as behaviors of courts, legislators, regulated parties, etc. Hosted by Academia Sinica in Taiwan and sponsored by the Society for Empirical Legal Studies (SELS), the first Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia (CELSA) brings together academics from law and other fields who embrace the empirical turn and seek to develop empirical accounts of law and legal institutions in Asia.
CELSA will be held on June 14–15, 2017 and includes up to seven panels with up to 5 parallel sessions. One of the parallel sessions will be reserved for papers using Asian data.
On June 13, there will be a symposium on “Do courts rule efficiently?”. Christoph Engel (Max Plank) is the keynote speaker. Michael Frakes (Northwestern), Michael Heise (Cornell), Bert Huang (Columbia), William Hubbard (Chicago), Florencia Marotta-Wugler (NYU), Anthony Niblett (Toronto), Ronen Avraham (Texas/Tel Aviv) and JJ Prescott (Michigan) plan to attend and present their original works. All registered CELSA participants are also welcome to attend (with a minimal fee). This symposium also counts as the 4th International Conference of Judicial System. The first three conferences were held in 2008, 2011, and 2014, all in Taipei organized by Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica.